Research products of the Institute of Biotechnology/Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology used for humans are applied to animals.
Lactobacillus acidophilus is a beneficial gastrointestinal microorganism that has poor resistance to normal storage conditions (can easily die), so it is stored in dry copper like a vaccine to ensure that the live yeast content always remains stable.
-Lactobacillus acidophilus > 109 CFU/vial
– Excipients qs 0.65 g
The live yeast Lactobacillus acidophilus used in the product is a probiotic strain that is beneficial for the digestive tract with the following effects:
– Balances the intestinal microflora, helps digest and absorb food well, and stimulates appetite
– Generates lactic acid and biocides that are completely non-toxic, friendly to the environment and animal health such as acidolin, acidophilin, lactocidin… These biocides have the ability to inhibit dangerous disease-causing bacteria. dangerous such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, Escherichia coli 0157:H7.
Staphylococcus… and yeast Candida albicans
– Vitamin supplements, especially Vitamin K.
– Neutralizes amines – carcinogens formed during digestion in the intestines
– Decompose excess bile in the intestines, inhibit the reabsorption of bile through the intestinal wall, and reduce cholesterol in the blood.
– Enhances immunity through increased cytokines, phagocytosis and antibody synthesis.
– Neutralizes allergens and enterotoxins caused by food poisoning
– Piglets, young cattle: Prevents digestive disorders, raw feces due to antibiotic use, decreased appetite, poor digestion, slow growth, diarrhea, constipation, food poisoning.
– Adult pigs and cattle: Digestive disorders, bloating, indigestion, diarrhea, food poisoning, colitis, constipation.
* Disease prevention: Use for herds that are stunted, slow to grow, and have poor appetite
– Piggy. Use at 2 days old or older, 1 bottle/herd (12 – 15 birds) once every 5 – 7 days. Mix yeast with cooled boiled water or pump milk directly into the pig’s mouth. If the pig has learned to eat, mix it with milk and sprinkle evenly on the handle to feed the pig.
Young cattle: 1 bottle/head used once every 5-7 days, given directly
– Adult pigs and cattle can be used in the same dosage as young animals.
* Treatment. Effective in case of diarrhea
– Piglets: 1 bottle/herd (12 – 15 pigs), drink once a day continuously for 3 – 5 days until cured. Mix yeast with cooled boiling water or pump milk directly into the pig’s mouth.
– Young cattle: 1 bottle/head, drink once a day continuously for 3 – 5 days until cured.
Hot water and drinks other than water and milk will inactivate the digestive enzymes.